@article{oai:tama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000263, author = {小松, 加代子 and KOMATSU, Kayoko}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {スピリチュアルではあるが宗教的ではないという言葉を手掛かりに、世俗化、個人化、という言葉だけでは説明できない現代宗教の捉え方を考える。既成の宗教団体への所属数や儀礼への参加者数の減少が指摘される一方で、ニューエイジやスピリチュアルと名付けられる活動への参加者が増加している。現代日本のなかで、スピリチュアルな考え方やスピリチュアリティに関心のある女性たちの日常生活における宗教性に焦点を当ててみたい。 There are people who tend to identify themselves as "spiritual" without identification with any religious institution. 'Spiritual but not religious' tends to characterize people today. Many researches on Spirituality has been discussed with the concept of secularization and individualization, however, we need to look at how people find the sacred or spirituality in their daily lives. This paper is based on the interviews with a group of women in Japan.}, pages = {51--61}, title = {日常生活の中のスピリチュアリティ}, volume = {7}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コマツ, カヨコ} }