@article{oai:tama.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000076, author = {田口, 綾子}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {語彙の習得は、言語を学ぶにあたり重要な役割を果たしており、学習者は、単語を繰り返し書く、音読する等の語彙学習方略を使用して単語を暗記する。本稿では、語彙学習方略の指導の重要性について考察すべく、様々な語彙学習方略の種類、その指導方法について述べ、さらに、その指導法がもたらす効果について分析する。先行研究によると、効果的な語彙学習方略の指導には2つのアプローチが認められ、また、その指導により語彙の習得だけでなく、学習者のモチベーションにも良い影響があることが明らかになった, Acquiring vocabulary plays a key role for learning a target language and students try to memorize vocabulary using vocabulary learning strategies such as writing or pronouncing the target word repeatedly. This paper attempts to discuss the importance of instructing vocabulary learning strategies. First, I will describe different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies. Second, I will explore how teachers can give vocabulary learning strategy instruction. Third, I will examine the impact of this instruction. Through a review of the literature, two approaches were found to be effective for vocabulary learning strategy instruction, and it was revealed that instruction can lead not only to a better vocabulary acquisition, but also an increase in learners’ motivation.}, pages = {115--121}, title = {語彙学習方略指導と語彙学習}, volume = {16}, year = {2024}, yomi = {タグチ, アヤコ} }